Azure Portal Setup

How to configure an Azure application as Identity Provider.

The CDM Server supports authentication of users on behalf of Microsoft Azure. In Azure an application needs to be configured which provides the authentication flow.

Step 1: Start with the app registration

  • Open azure portal in Web Browser and click on App registrations
    Azure Portal Welcome Page

  • Now the app registrations page shows the registered azure apps.
    App registrations overview

    1. Click on “+ New registration” to register a new application in azure
  • An application registration form is shown Open project from CDM-Server

    1. Enter the mandatory name
    2. Select a supported account type which matches your requirement
    3. Skip the step to add redirect URL here for now, we need more than one url, this can be done later.
    4. Click on Register, you will see the details of the registered app next

Step 2: Configure Application details

Open project from CDM-Server

The values of the yellow highlighted fields are necessary for later use in CDM Server configuration. The Ids can be copied moving the mouse pointer to the right end of the value.

Please note the values for the following CDM Parameters for later use:

CDM ParameterFrom
AZURE_CLIENT_IDApplication (client) ID
AZURE_TENANT_IDDirectory (tenant) ID

Redirect URIs

To configure allowed redirect destinations click on Add a Redirect URI on the Application details page.

Open project from CDM-Server

In the following page click on + Add a platform. As a result a new form opens on the right side where you can select the type of platform.

Open project from CDM-Server

Choose Web here.

Open project from CDM-Server

Enter Redirect URI in the Redirect URIs field, enter the URI provided by the third-party software.

Open project from CDM-Server

Open project from CDM-Server

At the bottom of the form enable Access tokens and ID tokens:

Open project from CDM-Server

Then click on Configure to finish the configuration.

Application Permissions

In the left menu select API permissions.

Open project from CDM-Server

Add Permissions:

Click + Add a permission.

Open project from CDM-Server

Select Microsoft Graph and then Delegated permissions. Add the permissions

  • openid
  • profile
  • email
  • User.Read
  • Directory.Read.All
  • Group.Read.All
  • GroupMember.Read.All

If prompted, click Grant admin consent for the selected permissions. (This step may require admin privileges.)

The result should look like this:

Open project from CDM-Server

The permissions Directory.Read.All, Group.Read.All and Group.Member.Read.All need Admin consent and are necessary to be able to read members of groups and groups of users which is necessary to provide RBAC flows in CDM Server which are based on group structures in external ID Providers.

Last modified February 27, 2025: 6e9b77f