Managing Projects

How to manage projects using IQ-Software on the CDM-Server

The CDM Server manages your IQ-Software data in seperate Projects. Each Project is stored on the CDM-Server in a Business Unit. These Business Units can be nested (one inside another) so that you can create tree-like structures similar to folders and subfolders within a regular file system.

Uploading .fme Files as CDM-Server Projects

Upload project to CDM-Server

The first step to working with the CDM-Server is to upload an existing project from one of your .fme files:

  1. Open the .fme file in the IQ-Software
  2. Choose File | Upload Project to the CDM-Server...
  3. Choose the Business Unit into which the project should be uploaded

Note that you can only upload a project if the file contains exactly one project. If this is not the case please reorganize the data in the file in this respect.

Alternatively, you can create a new project via context menu directly in the CDM Administration (see below).

Opening a Project from the CDM-Server

Open project from CDM-Server

Once there are projects available on the CDM-Server, you can open a project in the IQ-Software as easy as opening an .fme file: Choose File | Open CDM-Server... (alternatively you can also use Administration | CDM Administration).

This opens the CDM Administration view, showing you the available Business Units and their projects: CDM Administration

Selecting a Business Unit (1) shows you the contained Projects. When you select a Project (2), the contained structures are shown (3).

Open Project

You can open a Project via the context menu or by double clicking it.

CDM Administration

In the CDM Administration (File | Open CDM-Server... or Administration | CDM Administration) you can also do the following things apart from opening a Project:

  1. Create a new Project or Business Unit
  2. Change the name of a Project or Business Unit (in multiple languages)
  3. Delete a Project or Business Unit from CDM-Server
  4. Move a Project from onen Business Unit to another using Drag&Drop
  5. Perform an explicit File | Login... or File | Logout

Points 1 to 3 are available from the context menu (right-click).

Last modified February 27, 2025: 6e9b77f