System Requirements

Things you need for the server to run.


  • x86-64 compatible server CPU
  • 8-cores or more
  • Example: Intel Xeon E5 or later/equivalent AMD Epyc

Memory (RAM)

  • Minimum 16 GB
  • 32 GB or more recommended


  • SSD with at least 10 GB free storage space for application, database, and container
  • Or more, depending on the data volume

Operating System

Recommended OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

We do not support Windows at this moment. If you still want to run it on Windows, here’s a guide.

Software requirements

Common Linux Utils

  • curl, tar, nano (or alternatives)


  • Docker Engine v27.2.0+ with docker-compose-plugin v2.29.7+
  • Example:
➜  docker --version
Docker version 27.3.1, build ce12230
➜  docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.29.7

You may also try alternatives such as Podman, we do not support it at the moment.

Network requirements

  • Stable network connection with sufficient bandwidth for data transfer between server and clients. 1+ gbps recommended

Security requirements

User privileges

  • Make sure that the server has the appropriate user rights for managing Docker containers.


  • Configure the firewall to allow the traffic required to access the application.
    • Incoming Port 443 (or custom) for HTTPS (For IQ-Software, CDM-Server Webapp).
    • Outgoing Port 636 (or custom) for LDAPS
    • Outgoing Port 443 for HTTPS for Azure, OCI Image Pulls, etc.
Last modified March 13, 2025: 542c9b9